I’ve just come back from a few days in Singapore, as my husband’s ‘+1’ on a work trip. (I mean, he’d have been in trouble if he’d taken someone else!) We met at work 20 years ago and have worked for the same companies ever since. This was his side of the business though, so purely a fun trip for me and zero business talk. Hurrah!

Not the BEST timing as three months ago I fell down a flight of stairs and broke my knee. Although to be fair, I have such a bad health history that most months I have a broken bone, illness or hospital stay so the odds weren’t exactly in my favour! The 10-hour flight was a struggle but crutches/wheelchair aside, it was a wonderful trip away. And great timing too with winter well and truly settling in here. The temperature in Singapore was about 32 degrees on average (one day it reached 35!), with the odd sudden burst of rain to keep everyone on their toes.

We stayed at the VERY hip and trendy W Hotel on Sentosa Island, which I liked from the moment I spotted the complementary macarons in our room! Plenty of other delicious food to mention too. I loved exploring Chinatown (great for cheap souvenirs for our kids), and eating like a local at hawker centres. The most authentic we went too was Seah Im food centre (if you’ve been to Singapore, it’s kind of opposite Vivo City over the highway) – which was well worth the trek on crutches. The centre was PACKED with workers having their lunch, no other tourists in sight. $4 got me a huge plate of delicious Mee Goreng noodles.

We were treated to a work dinner at Monti on the waterfront, with gorgeous views of Singapore’s nightly light show. Disappointing crispy chicken for the main (soggy not crispy!) but delicious molten chocolate lava cake. A wonderful Chinese meal too at Blue Lotus on Sentosa.
Heading home, we were lucky to see the fabulous Jewell (world’s largest indoor waterfall) at Changi Airport. Even more astonishing than either a) the giant waterfall or b) the hordes of Instagrammers posing for endless photos… was the queues outside American burger joint Shake Shack! Our tour guide told us the wait time for food is often THREE HOURS! My brain can’t even comprehend that – three hours??!!! You’d have to start queuing BEFORE you were even hungry! Or take a packed snack for the queue?!
Glad to be home now though, despite the ominous laundry mountain lurking in the corner…